Kate Davies
Kate Davies (RN, BSc (Hons), FP Cert) is an independent fertility nurse consultant and IVF Coach.
After a 20-year career in the NHS as a specialist nurse and NHS manager in Gynaecology, Sexual and contraceptive health and fertility. Kate, frustrated with the lack of support and high-quality advice for women and couples who were struggling to conceive naturally, founded her private practice Your Fertility Journey Ltd. 7 years on, Kate now has thriving practice and a job she loves. Your Fertility Journey is a clinic that prides itself on offering high quality fertility advice and support.
To add to her skill set, Kate also trained as a fertility coach to offer her patients navigating an IVF journey much needed emotional support as well as medical advice. Kate has a special interest in PCOS and over the years has worked with 100’s of women who suffer with this debilitating condition. To enhance her practice, Kate undertook specialist training in obesity and reproductive health.
Kate is passionate about helping brands, companies, and healthcare environments to achieve fertility excellence. She offers corporate consultancy and is currently working with top organisations, advising on all aspects such as current challenges, patient pathways, brand and product promotion, training and best practice to name but a few.
When Kate’s not consulting, she can be found indulging in her passion for podcasting as the co-host of The Fertility Podcast. Using this platform to help break the silence surrounding infertility and promote positive and accurate fertility messages and information.

Kate has been featured in:
The Times
Glamour Magazine
Mother & Baby Magazine
BBC 5 Live
Talk Radio
Talented Ladies Club
The Fertility Show
Fertility Fest
My Fertility Book
LinkedIn: Kate Davies – Independent Fertility Nurse Consultant
Dr Fertility

Dr Fertility is a convenient and confidential way to access fertility doctors and nurses.
Whether you are at the beginning of your fertility journey or your path to parenthood is taking longer than expected, their fertility experts are here to offer you professional medical advice and support.
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