Our FertilTime Ovulation test is a simple to use home screening test that enables women to determine the 2 best days to conceive. This fast and reliable test works by detecting raised levels of Luteinising Hormone (LH) in urine – an indication the ovulation is about to occur. The test is greater than 99% accurate - one of the most accurate and reliable tests to indicate when the women is at her most fertile time. The kit contains five ECOstrip™Midstream Ovulation tests and an instruction leaflet.
FertilTime allows women to test their best chances of conception discreetly in the comfort of their own home.
Key benefits
5 tests per pack
Over 99% accurate
Results in 5 minutes
Easy to use mid-stream self test
Who should use FertilTime?
As a women is only fertile for a few days around the time of ovulation, it is important to know exactly when it occurs, as this gives the best chance of fertilisation and therefore pregnancy.
Our FertilTime Ovulation test is a simple to use home screening test that enables women to determine the 2 best days to conceive. This fast and reliable test works by detecting raised levels of Luteinising Hormone (LH) in urine – an indication the ovulation is about to occur. The test is greater than 99% accurate - one of the most accurate and reliable tests to indicate when the women is at her most fertile time. The kit contains five ECOstrip™Midstream Ovulation tests and an instruction leaflet.
FertilTime allows women to test their best chances of conception discreetly in the comfort of their own home.
Key benefits
5 tests per pack
Over 99% accurate
Results in 5 minutes
Easy to use mid-stream self test
Who should use FertilTime?
As a women is only fertile for a few days around the time of ovulation, it is important to know exactly when it occurs, as this gives the best chance of fertilisation and therefore pregnancy.
Use the table in the pack to work out which day of your cycle you should start testing. Try to test around the same time each day and reduce your fluid intake around 2 hours before testing
Take a test stick out of the foil, take off the cap and replace it on the opposite end of the test to elongate the device and avoid urine splashing onto your hand
Hold the test by the thumb grip and place the absorbent tip in your urine stream for at least 10 seconds or immerse the absorbent tip in a urine sample for 10 seconds. Be careful not to get urine on the testing windows.
Replace the cap, wiping off any excess urine and lay the test flat with the windows facing up
Read your result after 5 minutes, if no red lines appear wait a further minute. Do not read results after 10 minutes.
Reading your results
Negative - If you only see a single red line in the control window and no red line in the heart shaped test window, your LH surge has not been detected. Try another test tomorrow. If you see a line in the control window and lighter red line in the heart shape test window this is also a negative result
Positive - If you see a red line in the control window and an equal or darker red line in the heart shape test window, your LH surge has been detected and you have reached your most fertile time. The best time for baby making is the next 48 hours and there is no need to test again during this cycle
Invalid – if no red lines appears in the control window then the test is invalid, you should repeat the test with a new test stick

Take a test stick out of the foil, take off the cap and replace it on the opposite end of the test to elongate the device and avoid urine splashing onto your hand
Hold the test by the thumb grip and place the absorbent tip in your urine stream for at least 10 seconds or immerse the absorbent tip in a urine sample for 10 seconds. Be careful not to get urine on the testing windows.
Replace the cap, wiping off any excess urine and lay the test flat with the windows facing up
Read your result after 5 minutes, if no red lines appear wait a further minute. Do not read results after 10 minutes.
Reading your results
Negative - If you only see a single red line in the control window and no red line in the heart shaped test window, your LH surge has not been detected. Try another test tomorrow. If you see a line in the control window and lighter red line in the heart shape test window this is also a negative result
Positive - If you see a red line in the control window and an equal or darker red line in the heart shape test window, your LH surge has been detected and you have reached your most fertile time. The best time for baby making is the next 48 hours and there is no need to test again during this cycle
Invalid – if no red lines appears in the control window then the test is invalid, you should repeat the test with a new test stick

1. Can I use FertilTime Ovulation Test to avoid pregnancy?
No, the test shouldn’t be used as a form of birth control.
2. How accurate is the FertilTime Ovulation Test?
A clinical evaluation was conducted where the results obtained using the FertilTime Ovulation Test were compared to another commercially available urine membrane LH test of similar accuracy. There was >99% correlation between the results of the 2 tests.
3. How sensitive is FertilTime Ovulation Test?
The FertilTime Ovulation Test detects luteinising hormone (LH) in urine at concentrations of 25mlU/ml or higher. Which is the level we would typically expect to correlate with an LH surge.
4. Do alcohol or common medications affect the test?
Alcohol may interfere with the test. It is not recommended to use the test after drinking alcohol. Also, you should consult your doctor if taking any hormone medication. Recent oral contraceptive use, breastfeeding or pregnancy could affect the results.
5. Why should I not use the first morning urine and what time of day should I perform the test?
We do not recommend first morning urine because it is concentrated and may give a false positive result. Any other time of day is suitable. For best results try and collect your urine at the same time of day.
6. Will the amount of liquid I drink affect the results?
Heavy intake of fluids prior to testing will dilute the hormone in your urine. We suggest that you limit your fluid intake for about two hours before you perform the test.
7. Once I see a positive result, when is the best time to have sex to try to conceive?
Ovulation is likely to happen within the next 24-36 hours which is the most fertile time of your cycle, so this is now the best time for baby making.
No, the test shouldn’t be used as a form of birth control.
2. How accurate is the FertilTime Ovulation Test?
A clinical evaluation was conducted where the results obtained using the FertilTime Ovulation Test were compared to another commercially available urine membrane LH test of similar accuracy. There was >99% correlation between the results of the 2 tests.
3. How sensitive is FertilTime Ovulation Test?
The FertilTime Ovulation Test detects luteinising hormone (LH) in urine at concentrations of 25mlU/ml or higher. Which is the level we would typically expect to correlate with an LH surge.
4. Do alcohol or common medications affect the test?
Alcohol may interfere with the test. It is not recommended to use the test after drinking alcohol. Also, you should consult your doctor if taking any hormone medication. Recent oral contraceptive use, breastfeeding or pregnancy could affect the results.
5. Why should I not use the first morning urine and what time of day should I perform the test?
We do not recommend first morning urine because it is concentrated and may give a false positive result. Any other time of day is suitable. For best results try and collect your urine at the same time of day.
6. Will the amount of liquid I drink affect the results?
Heavy intake of fluids prior to testing will dilute the hormone in your urine. We suggest that you limit your fluid intake for about two hours before you perform the test.
7. Once I see a positive result, when is the best time to have sex to try to conceive?
Ovulation is likely to happen within the next 24-36 hours which is the most fertile time of your cycle, so this is now the best time for baby making.
During each menstrual cycle a single egg will develop and mature in the ovaries. Ovulation is the time when this mature egg is released into the fallopian tube. This usually happens around 16 days after the first day of the last menstrual period and a woman is only fertile for a few days around the time of ovulation – this is why it is important to know when ovulation occurs!
“Why is Ovulation relevant?” For women who really want to become pregnant the best time to have intercourse is 1-2 days before ovulation, or on the day ovulation occurs.
In this way, sperm will be released into the vagina and travel towards the egg at just the right time – this period gives the best chances of fertilisation and therefore pregnancy. The process of ovulation is triggered by the release of a hormone from the brain called Luteinising Hormone (LH) and the levels of the hormone increase significantly in blood and urine about 1-2 days before ovulation.
This is why the most reliable and accurate home test of ovulation is the one that measures this increase in LH – and by doing this it can tell a women when she is going to ovulate! The hormone, LH, causes the egg to be released into the fallopian tube in readiness for fertilisation. During the few days after ovulation the egg will travel down the fallopian tube to the womb. It stays there for two or three days and if it is has not fertilised it dies and is expelled with the womb lining at the start of menstruation, usually 16-16 days later.
“How can you test for Ovulation?” You can test urine for the presence of LH by using one of our FertilTime Ovulation Tests, which are simple to use and easy to purchase on-line. Our home ovulation tests are designed to give an advanced warning of when a women ovulates and therefore can identify when there is the best chance of conception.” Generally speaking you can say that if a woman ovulates then she is likely to be fertile – hence why ovulation is considered the key to fertility.
“Why is Ovulation relevant?” For women who really want to become pregnant the best time to have intercourse is 1-2 days before ovulation, or on the day ovulation occurs.
In this way, sperm will be released into the vagina and travel towards the egg at just the right time – this period gives the best chances of fertilisation and therefore pregnancy. The process of ovulation is triggered by the release of a hormone from the brain called Luteinising Hormone (LH) and the levels of the hormone increase significantly in blood and urine about 1-2 days before ovulation.
This is why the most reliable and accurate home test of ovulation is the one that measures this increase in LH – and by doing this it can tell a women when she is going to ovulate! The hormone, LH, causes the egg to be released into the fallopian tube in readiness for fertilisation. During the few days after ovulation the egg will travel down the fallopian tube to the womb. It stays there for two or three days and if it is has not fertilised it dies and is expelled with the womb lining at the start of menstruation, usually 16-16 days later.
“How can you test for Ovulation?” You can test urine for the presence of LH by using one of our FertilTime Ovulation Tests, which are simple to use and easy to purchase on-line. Our home ovulation tests are designed to give an advanced warning of when a women ovulates and therefore can identify when there is the best chance of conception.” Generally speaking you can say that if a woman ovulates then she is likely to be fertile – hence why ovulation is considered the key to fertility.